Just like that?
I'm really happy, in a way.
Honestly, I don't care if its happiness or just glee. Either way, I'm over-the-fucking-moon just knowing about it. I don't care if its evil, because I have my reasons, as justifiable as they may be. This is me, scoffing at your efforts. Even if it doesn't happen, you're just pathetic, and its good enough for me.
I didn't really do that well for promos. BEE/A, with an E for GP and a C for Chinese.
At the very least, I promoted. All of us did, except Puay Tong and him. How nice. I love it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ; 10:27 PM
Does this count as annoying?

Promos are over. Finally.
I haven't blogged in abit. I don't feel like blogging now, so I'll keep it short.
Went USS on Wednesday. It was fun. My wallet got shot through the heart though.
Ok I really don't feel like talking right now. BYE.
Saturday, October 16, 2010 ; 6:53 PM
I wish I was a kid again.
I wish I was a kid again.
Having such an innocent mind, not knowing what ugly there is out in the world,
thinking everybody is beautiful, and not caring about gender, race or sexuality.
How come when we grow up, we turn into such mean, judgmental people?
Monday, October 4, 2010 ; 12:49 PM
Saviour King
And now the weak say I have strength
By the spirit of power that raised Christ from the dead
And now the poor stand and confess
That my portion is Him and I'm more than blessed
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for Your Son's holy name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our king
We love you Lord, we worship You
You are our God, You alone are good
You asked your Son to carry this
The heavy cross our weight of sin
I love you Lord, I worship you
Hope which was lost, now stands renewed
I give my life to honor this
The love of Christ, the Saviour King
Let now your church shine as the bride
That you soar in your heart as you offered up your life
Let now the lost be welcomed home
By the saved and redeemed those adopted as your own
I give my life to honor this
The love of Christ, the Saviour King
Sang this for worship on Saturday. Really awesome. Worship is awesome. Church is awesome. Oh, and promos start tomorrow but I really don't want to study. |:
; 10:29 AM