God comes through

I'm really happy.
I prayed for answers. I got my answers.
I prayed for solutions. I got my solutions.
I prayed for understanding. I got my understanding.
Despite everything that has happened, I'm going to believe that nothing has happened. You had your reasons to believe what you did. You have your reasons doing what you do. I may not agree with all of them, but I'm going to look at the bigger picture because I like it a lot more than to pick on what I don't.
I know you read this space. Will you do the same?
On the side, I've decided to strive to be a better child of God hehe.
Thursday, September 30, 2010 ; 5:54 PM
You know I can't lie
I think the most beautiful
people are the ones who went
through the toughest
situations in life but still
manage to keep a smile on
their face, especially if they
have a bright personality to go
along with that smile.
I can't believe any of it. Why would you think otherwise if it was already made clear?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 ; 10:46 PM
I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
+ Anyway, I don't feel like ranting about the fucker any more.
Saturday, September 25, 2010 ; 3:39 PM

You know something?
I think you're a fag. I think you have a fuck face that deserves to be bashed in. I think you're going to get kicked out of school and I will be fucking happy when that happens because well, you're a fucktard, and fucktards don't belong in school, let alone a JC.
If you had any self-respect, you wouldn't have asked me, like the little fagzor you are, to put your name in in the first place, and now, you complain like a little wussie that the marks aren't good enough. Why don't you do it yourself then, genius?
OH, I'M SORRY. You were being a cheap nerd fifty dollars a day lah make money better than come to school, so you just show how thick your skin is, and just decide to ask to be included in the group. You know right, I'm actually quite happy we got what we got. You know what would make me happier?
Knowing these marks, and I'm hoping on gums they will, caused you to fail. I'll be lolrotflmao-ing till my guts burst.
Monday, September 20, 2010 ; 8:57 PM

I'm feeling really happy. I don't know why.
Oh, and I think Mrs Wee is a whore. I mean, what kind of teacher first tells you that it's a comprehension test that will be marked and calculated into your CA marks - I mean obviously since like its counted in the exams, you'd do it seriously right? - and then tells you ten minutes before the end of the lesson that she's going to mark the AQ only.
Really. Especially when you've done everything else except AQ. Seriously.
Mr Oon gave me a 14 for my IH essay! I got a 15 for SEA. C yay.
Three weeks left nb.
// By the way, YAY 100TH POST! :D
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 ; 9:03 PM
D: S: ):
Do you ever get that feeling
where you don’t want to talk
to anybody? You don’t want to
smile and you don’t want to
fake being happy. But at the
same time you don’t know
exactly what’s wrong either.
There isn’t a way to explain it
to someone who doesn’t
already understand. If you
could want anything in the
world it would be to be alone.
People have stopped being
comforting. At least when
you’re alone no one will
constantly ask you what is
wrong and there isn’t anyone
who won’t take ‘I don’t know’
for an answer. You feel the
way you do just because. You
hope the feeling will pass
soon and that you will be
able to be yourself again, but
until then all you can do is
Sunday, September 12, 2010 ; 1:29 PM
Faith to walk on oceans deep

I'm pretty sure now hee.
Friday, September 10, 2010 ; 2:28 PM
Mother fucker
Reading some of my old chatlogs, till I came across this.
11am tmr mrt pasir ris you wanrt not
how much ah?
how long
i dun want waste alot money leh
I dunno.
I can't rmb the price.
how long I don't know them.
you left right bring $10 la.
for LAN alone
ex leh
u chip in abit i go
Don't be cheap pls.
10 leh
u single hor dog
i got family hor
I'm in black by the way.
Remind me again why I put up with you?
Sunday, September 5, 2010 ; 12:41 PM