Sian Downhill
Exam week.
It's been going downhill.
Economics paper was quite good. Hoping for an A or a B. Partly because whatever I studied all came out. Everything else so far, not too good. Chinese was killer. The comprehension is hard like mad. Maths was shocker, standard was way higher than the tutorial assignment questions. Really crushed, I swear.
Five and a half hour interval. 450 odd people waiting for a half an hour paper. Talk was good. LC wasn't too bad. Tomorrow is CSE and I haven't touched my notes in two months. Praying for an S. Paper at 3 tomorrow, loads of time to go to school early to study.
History better end off on a good note.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 ; 8:15 PM
Not Enough Time
I will bring praise,
I will bring praise,
No weapon formed against me shall remain.
I will rejoice,
I will declare,
God is my victory and he is here.
All of my life,
In every season,
You are still God,
You are still God,
I have a reason to sing,
I have a reason to worship.
Very fitting to have this song sung during service, the week before the exams.
I'm going to stop worrying now. What will be will be.
Now all I have to figure out is how to explain this to my parents, who are probably less than willing.
Sunday, June 27, 2010 ; 7:05 PM

Nasha showed me this picture. I laughed, like really laughed. I haven't been laughing alot lately.
Thanks Nasha.
Friday, June 25, 2010 ; 6:26 PM
Freely you gave it all for us,
Surrendered Your life upon that cross,
Great is the love, poured all for all,
This is our God.
Lifted on high from death to life,
Forever our God is glorified,
Servant and King, rescued the world,
This is our God.
It's Friday. Three more days.
Studied on Monday with Wayne in the morning at the airport. We were supposed to study till 9pm. Cannot take it. Stopped at 6pm. Talked complete crap for the next three hours. So much better than studying I tell you. Rochelle came at 9. SJ came at 10. Studied until 6am the next morning. Ok lah, not really. Technically it was until 5 only, then I fell asleep.
Bought pau at White Sands. Accidentally walked in the shutters of Donut Empire. Kena scolding for being a drunk bastard. Tired lah basket. Cabbed home because if I didn't, I'd probably get run over crossing the road.
Slept through the whole of Tuesday.
Night study again on Wednesday. These study sessions are damn productive hor. Home on Thursday morning. Slept, then completed my History notes. Like finally. Going to sleep, wake up and start doing econs.
Life sarks big big I tell you.
; 12:16 AM
Death like
Two more hours. I'm half dead already.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 ; 4:07 AM
To Infinity And Beyond x2
Praise and worship was awesome yesterday. Like really awesome.
Sermon was good too, hee.
Some times, instead of just asking, wouldn't it be better to keep quiet and go with your gut feeling?
Sunday, June 20, 2010 ; 1:19 PM
To Infinity And Beyond
I give my all to You,
Send me and I will go for You,
To the ends of the earth,
I'll follow after You,
I want the world to know,
Your love endures forever.
Die. Die already. Confirm die. Really will die. Seriously will die.
10 days left. I've only completed 1/4 of my revision heh.
Anyhoo, even though I haven't been studying, I've been catching up on sleep, which is damn fruitful okay, but it never seems enough. Basket.
OG outing ended up with the usual six. The same from the previous. The rain is a dick I swear. I've never seen it rain so hard for 6 hours straight. Sooo, instead of going to Sentosa, we ended up watching two movies. MJ and pool at Muan Ting's house after that. I didn't win one game of MJ at all. Damn it la.
Burned ~$100 in one day.
Didn't go for senior's farewell because of fever in the morning. SEE THE RAIN AGAIN.
Family is coming back today.
I will study. Tomorrow. Really.
Friday, June 18, 2010 ; 3:08 PM
Till I See You
The greatest love that anyone could ever know,
Overcame the cross and grave to find my soul,
And till I see You face to face,
Grace amazing takes me home, I'll trust in You.
I will live to love You,
I will live to bring You praise,
I will live a child in awe of You.
I haven't started studying at all, which is sort of crazy. I'm left with thirteen days.
If assuming I don't study today, which is very likely,
OG outing tomorrow, senior's farewell on Thursday, I can only really start studying on Friday.
This is the result of stupid principal-ing. The heck are the exams after the holidays?
My BBB/B looks quite unachievable now. Basket.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 ; 9:15 AM

Not that I'm feeling suicidal or anything, I'm just really desperate.
And it's a cool picture leh heh.
Managed to go for training on Monday. Thank God for that, because I was sick the night before.
I'm not studying at all. Tuesday was supposed to be a study day because I had nothing on. I ended up sleeping in until 12. Woke up, showered, ate my lunch, and went back to sleep again. I think it's training. I haven't been able to stay awake for a full day straight ever since I got into JC. Damn that.
Training on Wednesday. Ran 4.3. Actually, I just ran like the first 2km, then I walked the rest of the way lmao. Eh, but I was in the top three!
Only because I started running when the rest were during warm up.
My three year old PSP just died after a 5 hour long soak in soap water. I've nothing to live for.
I need to start summarising my notes and lectures, like now. Damn South Park.
Thursday, June 10, 2010 ; 8:55 PM
It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years.
Feeling horrible. Thanks ah Rochelle Chan.
I've gotten more and more lethargic throughout the day. Pray I'll be better by tomorrow for training.
Sunday, June 6, 2010 ; 9:25 PM
I want my breath of sanity

It's stupid the way they call this the holidays. ):
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 ; 7:42 PM