The Band Of Morons!

Humanities Week, completely worth it.
Except for the first school, the rest were awesome. I had fun. (:
Band concert. Only Rochelle was willing to go. So we went. It was nice, heh. The person in front of me, I think it was Chesna, sleep until damn funny hahahahahahahah. The walk back was abit retarded. Instead of going to Raffles Place, we walk all the way to Clarke Quay, not something you want to do in a shirt. Damn hot.
I've never seen so many ang mohs in Singapore in any one place at one time.
Kovan was a waste of time. Reached home at two. Died on my bed.
Life has been fruitful hehehehe. Next thing on the list - SA1.
Die lah.
Friday, May 28, 2010 ; 7:29 PM
Happy Dance :D

I'm usually damn poor at Math, but -
Munch on my happiness -omnomnomnom-
Dream on till reality beckons.
Monday, May 24, 2010 ; 6:58 PM

Sometimes, I feel like we're the unlucky ones.
On the way to Riverlife yesterday, I met this retarded kid on the bus. No, retarded not as an insult, but really retarded. I think it was cerebral palsy or something. I didn't pay attention to him at first, until he started making a lot of noise. I found him a nuisance at first, but -
I always question my own existence. I'm sure you do too, at times. We hear it all the time - we are born, we study to get our grades, hopefully move on to university to get ourselves a degree and get a well-paying job. Then we slog the rest of our lives at work, hopefully getting married somewhere along the way.
Seeing him laughing contentedly when he made his watch beep, I felt I was the idiot. I would give anything to be that easily contented and blissfully ignorant, having not to think about what was going to happen to him in the future, but to just focus on that beep that his watch can make. Damn, I'm envious.
Anyhoo, I've got to start studying for Math, like now. I don't want to fail the test, no I don't. The worst is finally coming to an end. Humanities Week, be gone. :S
Sunday, May 23, 2010 ; 12:42 PM
Take It All
♫ Jesus, we're living for Your name,
We'll never be ashamed of you
Woah oh oh
Our praise
And all we are today
Take, take, take it all.
Take, take, take it all. ♫
Hehe, love this song.
It's nearly Friday. The worst will be over by next Tuesday. Still, the holidays have never looked so unappealing. Then it'll be the weekends. I love my weekends. I wish weekends could last as long as weekdays. LMAO, I'm being a retard.
Still surviving the week.
Thursday, May 20, 2010 ; 8:28 PM
Mighty To Save
I've been humming the tune of this song for the past two hours. P:
I want my old life back.
Sunday, May 16, 2010 ; 12:16 AM
Haven't updated in a while, heh.
School is getting more and more hectic. Horrible tutorials. I just have to survive all the way till next week. Everything will get better after Humanities Week. No more worrying about displays, no more props that needs finishing. The kids will come, and they will leave, and we'll all move on with our lives. God, this is pointless.
And then there's PW. GPP, not nice.
Hectic, but still good. Classes are still fun. Tutors, most of them anyway, and friends. It's all good. Saturdays and Sundays are restful, because of church hehehehe.
I have two essays due tomorrow that are waiting. Pain.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 ; 8:55 PM
I want to text
I miss my phone. ALOT.
I should have been more careful. I was tired
I can come up with a thousand and one excuses, it's still gone. I was starting to like my phone. ):
On the other hand, longest streak ever. Two years without losing my phone, till today. Maybe its God's will that I get a new phone and not use hand-me-downs hehehe >:) It feels wierd, not having a phone.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 ; 10:48 PM
Worth the effort

School is really tiring.
Like everyone else isn't already saying so, but really. Saying it a million times over and over won't be enough to cover the sort of crap we're going through. Tutorials are one thing, tutors are another. Tutorials we can't do anything about, what about our tutors?
Honestly, sometimes I feel I have the worst luck in the world.
On the other hand, I'm home on a Monday attempting to do my tutorials. Hee.
Canoeing is really worth it. I am really happy because I got my stroke down. Wei Bin said it was not bad. Coming from him, it's like an AWESOME. Heh. I like water practice. Fun. I've got no idea what to specialize in. I'll just follow whatever Mr Chua puts me in. (:
Malaysia is a complete waste of time, period. My weekends are gone like that.
SAs are coming. I'm worried. Praying for a BBB/B this time round.
I really should learn to think before I talk. I end up regretting half the things I say after I've already said them. Shooting my mouth off like that is going to land me in a heap of trouble.
Monday, May 3, 2010 ; 3:55 PM