Live like it's Heaven on Earth

I've been really happy these past few days for reasons you may or may not know. :)
I may moan and grumble about homework and those damn PIs, but I'm still coping. The funny thing is, I've become happier ever since I've stopped caring. Stopped caring about deadlines and homework that is due. All the worry is gone.
Land training is brutal. It's just me, because everyone else isn't complaining.
My arms feel like they've been ripped out and tied back together.
Water practice tomorrow. I'm happy, again.
I love my class. I love my friends. I think I'm going to savour my two years in JC.
Thursday, April 29, 2010 ; 8:08 PM
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
And I trust.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ; 6:03 AM
In quietness and trust
When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the storm,
Father, you are King over the flood,
I will be still and know you are God.
My arms ache. I can't write. I have an Economics tutorial and Chinese composition due tomorrow. On the bright side, I finished my PI with the approved template. Morning run tomorrow. I'm getting used to everything.
Just taking it as it comes.
Monday, April 26, 2010 ; 11:16 PM

Cleaning up my room, for like the first time in two years.
It's a damn pig sty of unused assessment books and yellowed notes. Brings back good times though. Back to a time when our notes, no matter how thick, used to come free of charge. The pile is as tall as my chest. Wtfug.
Instead of cleaning, I'm looking through my old notes and workbooks. :D
I found my Chemistry practical workbook. I feel damn sad, because Mdm Lim is an awesome teacher. She changed my attitude towards Chemistry. I used to get like 3s or 4s out of 15 for my practicals. Feeling particularly well-behaved one day, I decided to do one practical properly. I got a 10.5/15. What she wrote really made me feel bad.
You Liang, your work is very neat. Highly commendable. See! You can do it! Continue to strive okay? (:
I did better in Chemistry after that. Up to the O Levels, Mdm Lim allowed me to go back to school to see her everyday for consultation. I owe her my A1. Really. I'm going to get her a really big present for Teacher's Day.
And then there's Mrs Tan-Chin and Ms Vanessa Tan. (Y)
If there's anyone who can teach Humanities as well as they do, shoot me. I sleep in almost every other class except for theirs, because it's impossible to sleep in their class. Just too fun.
Since coming to JC, I've realised how expensive our notes are. Our SS and History notes are as thick as our JC ones. The only difference - our secondary school notes were free. I can't bear to throw them now. It's just guilt.
I did alot of stupid things. Mrs Tan-Chin said something that really touched me, in front of the whole damn class. ):
You Liang may be very mischievous on the outside, but he's really very good-natured.
NB, I still remember how to whole class went yayasuresure after she said it. I really don't know how my teachers put up with my antics, but now I've come to realize how much I love them.
I owe all of them big presents, except Mr Li. That dick still owes me my Twilight. Dick.
Sunday, April 25, 2010 ; 12:28 PM

Training cancelled again today.
I'm going to die if this continues. Have to be in school by 0645 tomorrow. FML.
School is still awesome. (Y)
I'm dead. Overslept. It's 11 now. Maybe if I'm real quiet, no one will notice.
Bleh, who am I kidding. I'm dead. :'<
Friday, April 23, 2010 ; 9:10 PM
Some times I think you talk like an idiot. Perhaps you are.
Stop talking and grow some balls. Why so critical? If you could make all those snide remarks, you should be a judge. No, seriously. Oh waaait, but you can't. That's because you're too shitty even as a speaker to get even past the first round.
Right. So all you do is bullshit. Good job.
On the other hand, God's been really nice.
Training was cancelled today thanks to the rain and lightning alert.
I still enjoy my TAF morning runs. Tomorrow's a Thursday. (Y)
The week is ending! :D
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ; 5:15 PM

I'm happy.
My homework for the week is more or less cleared. I've never felt so relieved.
4:30 hours before the weekends are over. Time for a bit of enjoyment.
We whip out our phones because we're bored. :D
Sunday, April 18, 2010 ; 7:12 PM
Run like there's no tomorrow.

This picture has absolutely no intended audience. I just find it really awesome.
The week has been tiring. When I mean tiring, like really tiring. There's not been one day where I haven't ran less than 2.4km. Not that I don't like it though. Tomorrow's warm down is a 4.3km run around Bedok Reservoir. I like my life.
Falling behind like mad on homework. Starting to sleep in lessons.
I need help.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 ; 8:15 PM
Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti
Your will above all else, my purpose remains.
The art of losing myself, in bringing you praise.
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades.
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame.
Service was awesome, really funny and engaging. (Y)
Saturday night at Sui Guan's house. Gathering of old friends. Everyone is still as retarded as ever. :D
And off I go to study for CSE. >:E
Sunday, April 11, 2010 ; 7:15 PM
I look like an idiot

Nothing I ever say is funny. Like seriously.
It's sort of bitter-sweet when people say LOOK AT HIS FACIAL EXPRESSION, SO FUNNY. Some idiot had to say Eh, you can say anything unfunny, and your face will make it hilarious. NB. I'm going to try to maintain a straight-glumglum face and see how it goes.
Got a frickin' warning letter for not attending morning run again. Like have some mercy lah can. As if school isn't enough, we still have to deal with this rubbish. I like morning runs, but Thursday mornings are I feel damn shag days. I'm going to try and reason with my teachers.
Ordered a new laptop from the PC Road Show in school. Damn happy. I'm finally changing computers after 6 years. Yayyyy.
CSE and Chinese tomorrow. Pass CSE, fail Chinese. Set.
Thursday, April 8, 2010 ; 6:51 PM
Freedom of Choice

"True love is the freedom to choose."
Frickin' grateful I got to stay in Singapore for the weekend, because church was awesome.
"He could have called an angel down to fry all of them."
-insert cheesy frying sound- bzzzzzkkkkk
".. but he didn't. What he wants is your genuine, unconditional love. Not because of fear. He gives you the freedom to choose. You can choose to reject God. That's what true love - the freedom of choice."
Went for dinner. Cameras every where. 100x worse than Roxanne.
Paparazzi, paparazzi. Ahahahahahaha.
Enjoyed myself. I'm happy.
P/S: I keep forgetting to change the wallpaper, and people see it. I should really think about who I lend my phone to. D:
Saturday, April 3, 2010 ; 9:56 PM
Your Guardian Angel

"I'll always be there for you."
What would I do without them? Melvin, Renee, and Edwin.
Thank you so much.
I suppose that's the awesome thing about having older friends. They're like the older siblings I never had. They never fail you when you need an ear, or just advice. I'd seriously be lost without them. I thank God for them.
Mood has been heavy the past couple of days, and I think it has been showing. My friends keep saying I always have this thinking face on. At least it doesn't look that obvious.
Melvin has always been the ear to rely on. Words can't even begin to describe the gratitude I feel.
Auntie Renee says I am damn hard to read because I keep bottling up the things that bug me. It's impossible to tell whether my smile is real or just a façade. The only reason I'm typing this out is because it gave me a huge shock. Not because I didn't know, because it was true.
Edwin, the I-don't-have-to-say-anything-I-just-smile-and-you'll-feel-better guy. Thank you. (:
Can't wait for tomorrow.
P/S: I want to be the cat, damnit.
Friday, April 2, 2010 ; 7:08 PM
High, damn high.
I'm fricken happy.
Half day of school today, went out with the most awesome people, playing the most retarded of games. Thanks to the awesomest person evarr comes the icing on the cake, I don't have to go to Malaysia tomorrow. Like, imagine my happiness.
Fricken high right now.
Thursday, April 1, 2010 ; 9:18 PM