I will look back and wonder.
When we get back our papers, I will look back and wonder.

Now we know. :P
Monday, March 29, 2010 ; 9:49 PM
CAs are coming, CAs are coming.
Pray I don't fail my first few exams.

Miss them so much.
Saturday, March 27, 2010 ; 7:41 PM
I have a freakin' blood test tomorrow, and I'm scared shitless, and the people I am talking to aren't helping.
I hate needles.
I can't stop thinking about it. I'll seriously bash the doctor/nurse if they even miss my vein. One time is bad enough. Fail and I will kill you. Needles should be banned. Fcuk. Pray for me.
HAHAHA, my mum totally forgot about the blood test! Yayyyyy!
Friday, March 26, 2010 ; 10:36 PM
Bang wall.
School is getting more and more hilarious.
I don't regret not changing subjects. My CG is awesome. Too awesome to describe in words. That and I got a serious morale boost from Mr Gay today. Wrote my first transition paragraph, gave him to check, and he was like 'very good!'. Happy happy.
Studying like for the CA1 like it's the O Levels. Madness.
It's way better than studying at home. I'd just be idling on Facebook and MSN.
My phone calendar is messed up, like for the next two years. You can put reminders on repeat, but you have to delete them one by one. Walao, it's going to get damn routine. Damn you Rochelle. D:
Thursday, March 25, 2010 ; 9:14 PM
One thing I've learned this week; Girls gossip. ALOT.
You want information, you ask Rochelle Chan. You want news, you ask Rochelle Chan. You want hot, fresh and juicy gossip, you ask Rochelle Chan. Okay, I might be exaggerating a little, but the idea is there, hee.
It reinforces my own prejudice against him, to know that I'm not the one that feels this way about him. He is annoying, period. I'm not exactly what you call ideal either, which sort of worries me. If I can ostracise someone, so can everybody else.
School has been manageable. Studied in school until eight yesterday. We're not going to fail our CAs! It's good to have friends to study with. :]
- I might not have to wait until NS to die.
M: Canoeing land training
T: TAF morning run + SPE
W: Canoeing morning run + afternoon water training
T: TAF morning run + CPE
F: Canoeing water training
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 ; 7:22 PM
Life is a bitch.
I'll start with the happier stuff.
School was awesome. I was a little high today. Made a lot of idiotic remarks during History tutorial. Sorry if you thought I was an irritating nut. Lessons are bearable because I have awesome lecturers and tutors, not including GP. Fcuk GP.
Celebrated Jonah & Puay Tong's birthday today. Pictures on Facebook. Sorry about the poor celebration. Next year will be better, and we'll all go out for dinner together! For now, HAPPY 17TH!
Studied after that with Rochelle until 7pm. It was damn fruitful. Finished like 2/3 of my History revision. The whole class is starting to have this study ethic going on. Pray we don't lose our sanity in the process.
Here comes the fucked up part.
Went to see Dr. Chiam today for a check up. My blood pressure has shot up, which he attributes to my lack of sleep. 150/80. I've got no idea how you're supposed to read it, but my blood pressure is higher than my mum's. Hence my resolution : I shall meditate on yong tau foo for the coming week and see how it turns out on Saturday.
I've also got this really big urge to bring a blood pressure machine to school to check the J2s.
Monday, March 22, 2010 ; 9:57 PM
Forever young.
I love the chorus.
I'll never let you go,
Don't ever forget,
Tell me you'll remember,
forever young.
I'll never let you fall,
it's not over yet,
you & me forever,
forever young,
We're forever young.
I mean the forever young part. Everyone is getting blown away with the overwhelming pile of shit JC is throwing at us. Let's not lose ourselves, after all, we're still teenagers, sort of. We're supposed to be having fun! I'm definitely not going to allow JC to take that right away. Of course, fun in moderation. :P
I'm adjusting well, I think. For the first time in seventeen years, I'm going back to school with completed homework. Whether it's all finished or not is an entirely different thing, but I swear I finished at least 80% of it!
Today wasn't really fruitful. Woke up at around 10. Idled around, doing one reading log in the process. I was sort of happy when I finished one. I swear, out of all the homework, GP is the worst. One last sprint tomorrow before school starts. At least I know I'm not the worst off, RIGHT. :D
Enjoyed church. I enjoy praise and worship, I enjoy the spiritual atmosphere. I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed sermons, sorry. It's nice to know you can relate your problems to people who perfectly understand what you're going through. I enjoy that too.
I seriously like what Pastor Vincent said this afternoon.
"Love makes whatever you do a want. It is no longer a chore, or an obligation. You do it because you want to, and nothing else. Simply, love."
Saturday, March 20, 2010 ; 10:05 PM
Hoho, I'm dead.
Just woke up. It's like 9 now, and I was supposed to be at BR at 7:45. D:
I'm not going, sorry, too late!
I suppose today will be another full day of studying. Sigh.
I spent the whole day idling on MSN and Facebook. I'm AWESOME!
Friday, March 19, 2010 ; 8:43 AM
Days like today are a luxury.
I'll never let you go,
Don't ever forget,
Tell me you'll remember,
forever young.
I'll never let you fall,
it's not over yet,
you & me forever,
forever young.
We're forever young.
Days like today are going to be very very very rare luxuries. I'm going to learn how to savour each and every day I have that is free from school, homework and CCA, if ever.
Canoeing in the morning. Again, it's awesome - the weather, the water, the people. I found this quote really interesting when talking to some of the guys.
In JC, you are going to ostracise at least one person in whatever group - CG or CCA.
It's holding true so far. I'm becoming very judgemental. :/
Anyway, talked to Joleen about the subject combinations. School already called her back, and didn't do nuts about Rochelle and I. Told Rochelle, called up the school. The approved name list is already out, and our names aren't on it. It's sort of bitter sweet, but we'll pull through CSE together as a class!
OG outing wasn't really an OG outing. Everyone sort of had plans already because planning was sort of last minute! Still, six of us turned up - Gabriel, Zhi Jun, Muan Ting, Leon, Kenneth and I - for Wild Wild Wet, which was damn fun and awesome!
Kenneth went off for chess competition. Kaede joined us for dinner and the movie! I'm starting to treat her like a little sister ah.
Walked home with Gabriel after waiting for Kaede's parents to fetch her. Walking at night feels damn awesome. I'm tired, like very. It's two in the morning, and I have to wake up at six tomorrow for a day of study. Perk - Good food!
I vow to complete 90% of all my homework tomorrow!
Thursday, March 18, 2010 ; 1:16 AM
Holidays aren't meant to be holidays.
I won't say I hate canoeing, because that would be a lie.
In fact, I love it! Training today was damn fun, and Bedok Reservoir is freaking nice in the morning. The water is damn clear, the air is damn cold and shiok. I don't like the fact that I can't balance the easiest canoe for nuts. I can't even remember how many times I capsized today. My seniors are making it bearable, at least.
That and also it's damn tiring. Melvin asked me to go back to St Anne's to help out for the camp. Cabbed home to shower, then cabbed to church. I was so damn shag that I was literally half asleep throughout, sorry! Training tomorrow morning again, not that it's a bad thing! I just wished my body would stop giving out so fast.
Mass conversation with Jonah, Rochelle, Roxanne and Yan Ling. I'll be blunt. Just because you can't make it, you changed the whole damn thing to a day to fit your schedule. Fuck you for that. Discussion made us see how big our homework pile was. Thursday is now dedicated to a full day of study and good food. Yum. :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 ; 8:44 PM
If homework was exercise, I'd be Chuck Norris. No, seriously.
I wanted to sleep.
I was so effing tired, I just wanted to sleep, but nooooooooo, my prick of a dad had to wake me up at seven in the morning so he could make me follow him to his workplace where it had a "more conducive environment for study". -'-
That is complete bullshit! I ended up lying about having canoeing training, so I didn't have to go, but he has to be a complete fag, and calls home to check whether I'm at home four hours later. Turns out I'm still at home. F**k.
Last minute decision to go out and study. Ended up studying with Roxanne at Bugis' NLB for about four hours. Finished Economics and half of my Maths tutorials, woohoo. Cuts abit off the pile.
I wish homework could be counted as exercise. I'd be world class athlete now and would be in choir instead of canoeing because I won't have to worry about NS but it isn't and I have to go canoeing if not I will never lose weight then NS I will die and I don't want that. WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR? ):
God punishes liars. I've got canoeing training tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday. I have to be at Bedok Reservoir by 0745. The concept of holiday is now non-existent. FML.
Monday, March 15, 2010 ; 9:01 PM
Just got back from J1 camp, which was awesome!
Just sitting outside our dorms and talking about anything that came to mind - that was ROTFLMAOHAHAWOOTWOOT funny. I swear, guys can talk about anything or anyone, and we can turn sentences into the sickest things you have ever heard. That was sort of the best part of the camp, communicating!
Soul Night was friggin funny. Sitting next to Wei Bin, it was damn hard to keep a straight face. Our CG now has a trademark symbol HAHAHA. Paraless fail! Parallel \m/
I seriously love my CG. 10A05 ♥.
Fun aside, it seriously sucks to the core to know that Rochelle and I might be changing classes. Both of us applied to change CSE to Chemistry. I'm telling my parents not to go down and just let the school decide. I'm not going to let statistics affect my own attitude towards the subject. I might actually be happier if they said no. :/
You are a major pussy.
Saturday, March 13, 2010 ; 2:01 PM
'Cause everyone needs a friend to hold,
When it's cold outside,
And there's no place to go,
Everyone needs a friend to hold,
All alone I cried,
There was no place to go.
I remember when nobody cared,
I remember when nobody cared,
Nobody cared,
But you.
Finished my tutorials! I'm damn damn damn damn damn damn damn happy right now. School week is coming to an end. Tomorrow might be a half day, and J1 camp starts the day after. March holidays are next week! There's finally a window period for rest. Thank God for that.
I appreciate the comfort of prayer.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 ; 11:09 PM
Save me from this place,
Heaven knows I'm falling,
For you, my sweet embrace,
Heaven knows,
Heaven knows I've been waiting for you.
Save Me by Corrinne May
She's an awesome singer.
Tutor didn't collect SEA History tutorial today, which is awesome, because I didn't complete it. HAHAHAHA, WHO'S THE LOSER NOW? :P
I think I can finally see my table top through my homework pile. Thank God.
School has been awesome ah. What would you do without friends? You can't, you'd die.
Economics and Chinese composition tonight. @#$%^&*
Monday, March 8, 2010 ; 6:16 PM
People who make me smile.
Finished my History tutorial at 1. Went to school feeling like king of the world.
Slept through all my lessons except for History. I felt like an idiot because all of them wrote like one line per topic, totalling around one page. I wrote a sickening three pages, and the tutor nearly forgot to collect our tutorials. If he did, I'd make him eat my homework. >(
Played Game of Life after for like 1 hour. Hilarious shitzxzxzxz. I learned that everyone are scheming little assholes. Still, I'm royalty and I have a $8,000 car, so technically, I'm better than all of you! :D
I like my ingrown toenail. It saved me from canoeing today. \m/
Reached home, slept until 9. Woke up feeling like I kena run over by car.
Was feeling damn tired until someone made my day, hahahahaha.
Harsh, harsh reality ah Elissa. Hahahahahahahahaha. -3-
I'm officially screwed over this weekend. GP, Chinese, History, China Studies, Maths, Econs all got homework, and they're almost all essays. Not even time management will help. FML.
Friday, March 5, 2010 ; 10:21 PM
Pain, not so much.
Aches are good. The pain, I'm not so crazy about.
The ache in my right hip has turned into a ravaging pain each time I walk because I overexerted during PE, I think. This is sort of a good-bad situation! Good, it's the first time I ever got injured exercising, if I ever did any in the first place, so it means that my body is actually feeling the strain! Bad, I can't walk without feeling pain. >(
Messed up presentation for Maths. Sorry. :/
I actually enjoyed a lecture. Project Work speaker was awesome hahahaha.
Finally, tutorials that I like to do. History essays! :9
Still waiting for that opportunity.
Thursday, March 4, 2010 ; 7:51 PM
The ache is gud.
Had land training yesterday.
It was fun! Despite all the idiotic comments I made, I enjoyed it ... until the next morning.
I woke up to the blissful ache of my suffering muscles. For the whole damn day, I couldn't move my arms, body or legs without feeling the aching strain. Wei Bin so kind, tell you the good things first, then slowly as you go through training, you find out all the bad things. Eh, but I won't complain. I'm having fun! It's just very, very tiring.
I have a CSE essay to hand in tomorrow. Fcuk essays. ):
Smile, because every 60 seconds of frowning is a minute of happiness that you will never get back. I've had this on my phone for like three years already. It never really meant much to me, until now. Smiling is gud.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 ; 5:27 PM